Our Knowledge Partners

Your personal cheer squad awaits!

Our Knowledge Partners are your trusted companions on life's journey. With a wealth of experience and expertise, they offer unwavering support, insightful advice, and practical tools. Whether you're seeking therapy, career guidance, or personal growth, our partners are here to empower you to reach your full potential. Let's embark on this transformative journey together.

Mr. Pradeep Chaturvedi

Vedic Wellness Consultant

Ms. Meenu Aggarwal

Cosmic Reader

Ms. Antara Pain

Art Therapist

Dr. Ashish Jhunjhunwala

Leadership & Wellness Coach

Dr. Surabhi Johri

Sound Energy Healer

Ms. Vibha Mishra

Guidance Counsellor

Dr. Amita Puri

Holistic Therapist

Ms. Radhika Verma

Emotional Health Facilitator

Ms. Puoja Kapur

Sound Healer

10 +

Experienced Knowledge Partners Imparting their Wisdom

80 +

Countries being catered on our platform

100 %

Success Rate in solving the problems

40 +

We teach people from 4 continents and over 40 countries